Accessibility statement
A commitment
1. Accessibility commitment is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on the accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications. This accessibility statement applies to the website
2. Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with the WCAG 2.2 standard due to the exceptions and non-compliance in certain aspects detailed below.
3. Non-accesible content
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:
Non-compliance with national legislation:
- Criterion 2.5.8: Target Size (Minimum): The arrow button for changing the language is smaller than the recommended size of 24×24 pixels, which does not comply with this requirement.
- Criterion 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value: While all interactive components have accessible names and roles, it could not be determined if all frames and iframes have appropriate titles due to technical limitations.
Disproportionate Burden
Due to technical knowledge and resource limitations, some functionalities do not meet accessibility criteria, and their immediate adaptation is considered a disproportionate burden. These functionalities have been identified and are planned to be addressed in future phases, subject to resource availability.
4. Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on August 30, 2024. The method used to prepare the statement was a accesibility audit conducted by Carmen Ruiz Seco on August 29, 2024.
- Reporting any possible non-compliance by this website.
- Conveying other difficulties in accessing the content.
- Making any other queries or suggestions for improving the website’s accessibility.
The statement was last reviewed on August 30, 2024. You check the complete audit, please check the following link:
Important note: To view it properly, it is recommended to download the file and open it using the Chrome browser..
5. Feedback and contact information
You can communicate accessibility requirements (Article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as:
These communications can be made via email at Communications, complaints, and requests for accessible information will be received and handled by Carmen Ruiz Seco.
6.enforcement procedure
If, after requesting accessible information or filing a complaint, the request is rejected, you disagree with the decision made, or the response does not meet the requirements outlined in Article 12.5 of RD 1112/2018, you may file a claim. A claim can also be filed if twenty business days have passed without a response.
The claim can be submitted through the Generic Instance of the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, as well as through the other options outlined in Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.